Open Source and Outreach

Outreach and Inclusion Initiatives

Members of the lab are active in many outreach and inclusion programs, including the University of Arizona Astronomy Camp, the Tucson Initiative for Minority Engagement in Science and TEchnology Program (TIMESTEP) and Laser Fun Day.

Open Projects

The UASAL team is an active contributor to projects including:

  • The Physical Optics Propagation in Python library, POPPY. A BSD licensed open source project, POPPY provides user-friendly, high-performance set of diffraction simulation tools in both the Fresnel and Fraunhofer regimes, broadly applicably but particularly well suited to astronomical telescopes and high-contrast imaging.
  • The Exoplanet Open-Source Imaging Mission Simulator,EXOSIMS.
  • pyKLIP, a python library for PSF subtraction for both exoplanet and disk imaging, pyKLIP.
  • poke, a python libary for Polarization Ray Tracing and Gaussian Beamlet Decomposition developed by UASAL supported by a NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunity, poke (pronounced poh-keh).
  • The Space Hardware Handbook an open space instrumentation development reference hosted on github.
  • The eXtreme Wavefront Control Toolkit XWCToolkit in collaboration with the MagAO-X team.
  • The Toy Coronagraph Python Package Toy_Coronagraph.

A more complete list can be found at our GitHub Organization :octocat: